- Nöel, C., Scharf, D., Hawkins, J., Lund, J., Kozik, J., & Koné Péfoyo, A. (2022). Thunder Bay and District Injured and Ill Workers in the WSIB Process: Experiences, Impacts and Service Needs. Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada. 24(7). https://doi.org/10.24095/hpcdp.42.7.02
- Waegemakers-Schiff, J., Weissman, E., Scharf, D., Schiff, R., Campbell, S., & Knapp, J. (2021). The impact of COVID-19 on research within the homeless services sector. Housing Care and Support. ISSN: 1460-8790. DOI: 10.1108/HCS-08-2021-0023
- Nöel, C., Armiento, C., Koné Péfoyo, A., Klein, R., Bédard, M., & Scharf, D.M. (2021). Adolescent exposure to cannabis marketing following recreational cannabis legalization in Canada: A pilot study using ecological momentary assessment. Addictive Behavior Reports. 12(14), np. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.abrep.2021.100383
- Breslau, J., Sorbero, M. J., Kusuke, D., Yu, H., Scharf, D. M., Hackbarth, N. S., & Pincus, H. A. (2021). Primary and Behavioral Health Care Integration Program: Impacts on Health Care Utilization, Cost, and Quality. Rand Health Quarterly, 9(2), 3.
- Goldman, M.L., Scharf, D.M., Brown, J.D., Hudson-Scholle, S., & Pincus, H.A. (2021 – online ahead of print). Structural Components of Integrated Behavioral Health Care: A Comparison of National Programs. Psychiatric Services. DOI: 10.1176/appi.ps.201900623
- Kone, A. & Scharf, D. (2021). Prevalence of multimorbidity in adults with cancer and associated health service utilization in Ontario, Canada: A population-based retrospective cohort study. BMC Cancer, 21(406), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12885-021-08102-1
- Scharf, D. & Oinonen, K. (2020). Ontario’s response to COVID-19 shows that mental health providers must be integrated into provincial public health insurance systems. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 111, 473-476.
- Shadel, W. G., Martino, S. C., Setodji, C. M., Dunbar, M., Scharf, D., & Cresswell, K. (2019). Do graphic warning labels on cigarette packages deter purchases at point-of-sale? An experiment with adult smokers. Health Education Research.
- Hasler, B., Bruce, S., Scharf, D., Ngiri, W., & Clark, D. (2019). Circadian misalignment and weekend alcohol use in late adolescence: Preliminary evidence. Chronobiology International, Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/07420528.2019.1586720
- Ramanuj, P. P., Scharf, D. M., Ferenchick, E., Spaeth-Rublee, B., & Pincus, H. A. (2018). Measuring efficiency at the interface of behavioral and physical health care. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics, 21(2), 79-86.
- Yu, H., Engberg, J., & Scharf, D. (2018). One size fits all? Disentangling the effects of tobacco taxes, laws, and control spending on adult subgroups in the United States. Substance Abuse, 7, 1-8.
- Breslau, J. A., Bickman, C. B., Leckman-Westin, E., Yu, H., Han, B., Pritam, R., Guarasi, D., Horvitz, M., Scharf, D., Pincus, H. A., & Finnerty, M. (2018). Impact of a mental health based primary care program on quality of physical health care. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Health Services Research, 45(2), 276-285.
- Breslau, J., Leckman-Westin, E., Han, B., Pritam, R., Guarasi, D., Horvitz-Lennon, M., Scharf, D. M., Finnerty, MT., & Yu, H. (2018). Impact of a mental health based primary care program on emergency department visits and inpatient stays. General Hospital Psychiatry, 52, 8-13.
- Pincus, H. A., Li, M., Scharf, D. M., Spaeth-Rublee, B., Goldman, M. L., Ramanuj, P. P., & Ferenchick, E. K. (2017). Prioritizing quality measure concepts at the interface of behavioral and physical healthcare. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 29(4), 557-563.
- Schell, T. L., Farris, C., Miles, J. N. V., Sloan, J., & Scharf, D. M. (2017). The air force deployment transition center: Assessment of program structure, process, and outcomes. Rand Health Quarterly, 7(1), 7.
- Breslau, J., Yu, H., Horvitz-Lennon, M., Leckman-Westin, M., Scharf, D. M., Connor, K., Finnerty, M. (2017). Enrollment of specialty mental health clinics in a state Medicaid program to promote health services. Psychiatric Services, 68, 63-69.
- Bauhoff, S., Montero, A., Scharf, D. (2016). Consumer Perceptions of E-cigarettes: A comparison of smokers and non-smokers in a mechanical turk sample. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 11, 1-13.
- Meeker, D., Cerully, J. L., Johnson, M., Iyer, N., Kurz, J., & Scharf, D. M. (2016). SimCoach evaluation: A virtual human intervention to encourage service-member help-seeking for posttraumatic stress disorder and depression. Rand Health Quarterly, 5(3), 13.
- Scharf, D. M., Eberhart, N. K., Schmidt, N., Horvitz-Lennon, M., Beckman, R., Han, B., … Burnam, M. A. (2016). General medical outcomes from the Primary and Behavioral Health Care Integration Grants (PBHCI) Program. Psychiatric Services, 67, 1226-1232.
- Krupski, A., West, I. I., Scharf, D. M., Hopfenbeck, J., Clayton, C., Sugg, B., … & Snowden, M. (2016). Integration of primary medical care into community mental health centers for a severely mentally ill safety-net population: Impact on medical utilization and costs. Psychiatric Services, 67, 1233-1239.
- Fillo, J., Staplefoote, B. L., Martinez, A., Sontag-Padilla, L., Shadel, W. G., Martino, S. C., … & Scharf, D. (2016). Simplified Novel Application (SNApp) Framework: A guide to developing and implementing second-generation mobile applications for behavioral health research. Translational and Behavioral Medicine: Practice, Policy and Research, 6, 587-595.
- Troxel, W. M., Hunter, G., & Scharf, D. (2015). Say “goodnight”: Frequency of adolescent texting at night. Sleep Health: Journal of the National Sleep Foundation, 1, 300-303.
- Shadel, W. G., Martino, S., Setodji, C., Scharf, D., Kusuke, D., Sicker, A., & Gong, M. (2016). Hiding the tobacco power wall reduces cigarette smoking risk in adolescents: Using an experimental convenience store to assess tobacco regulatory options at retail point-of-sale. Tobacco Control, 25, 679-684.
- Ayer, L., Farris, C., Farmer, C. M., Geyer, L., Barnes-Proby, D., Ryan, G. W., … Scharf, D. M. (2015). Care Transitions to and from the National Intrepid Center of Excellence (NICoE) for Service Members with Traumatic Brain Injury. Rand Health Quarterly, 5(2), 12.
- Pedersen, E. R., Eberhart, N. K., Williams, K. M., Tanielian, T., Batka, C., & Scharf, D. M. (2015). Public-private partnerships for providing behavioral health care to veterans and their families: What do we know, what do we need to learn, and what do we need to do? Rand Health Quarterly, 5(2), 18.
- Scharf, D. M., Breslau, J., Hackbarth, N. S., Kusuke, D., Staplefoote, B. L., & Pincus, H. A. (2014). An examination of New York State’s integrated primary and mental health care services for adults with serious mental illness. RAND Health Quarterly, 4(3), 13.
- Scharf, D. M., Eberhart, N. K., Hackbarth, N. S., Horvitz-Lennon, M., Beckman, R., Han, B., … Burnam, M. A. (2014). Evaluation of the SAMHSA Primary and Behavioral Health Care Integration (PBHCI) Grant Program: Final report. Rand Health Quarterly, 4(3), 6.
- Stein, B. D., Leckman-Westin, E., Okeke, E., Scharf, D. M., Sorbero, M., Chen, Q., … & Wisdom J. P. (2014). The effects of prior authorization policies on Medicaid-enrolled children’s use of antipsychotic medications: Evidence from two mid-Atlantic states. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 24, 374-381.
- Connor, S., Scharf, D., Jonkman, L., & Hebert, M. (2014). Focusing on the 5 A’s: A comparison of homeless and housed patients’ access to and use of pharmacist-provided smoking cessation treatment. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 10, 369-377.
- Setodji, C. M., Martino, S. C., Scharf, D. M., & Shadel, W. G. (2013). Quantifying the persistence of pro-smoking media effects on college students’ smoking risk. Journal of Adolescent Health, 54, 474-480.
- Scharf, D., Martino, S., Setodji, C., & Shadel, W. (2013). Middle and high school students’ exposure to alcohol- and smoking-related media: A pilot study using ecological momentary assessment. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 27, 1201-1206.
- Scharf, D., Eberhart, N., Schmidt, N., Vaughan, C., Dutta, T., Pincus, H., Burnam, A. (2013). Integrating primary care into community behavioral health settings: programs and early implementation experiences. Psychiatric Services, 64, 660-665.
- Shadel, W. G., Martino, S., Setodji, C., & Scharf, D. (2013). Exposure to pro-smoking media in college students: Does type of media channel differentially contribute to smoking risk? Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 45, 387-392.
- Setodji, C., Martino, S., Scharf, D., Shadel, W. (2013). Friends moderate the effects of pro-smoking media on college students’ intentions to smoke. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 27, 256-261.
- Shadel, W. G., Martino, S., Setodji, C., Scharf, D. (2012). Exposure to pro-smoking media on college students’ future smoking risk. Health Psychology, 31, 460-466.
- Martino, S., Scharf, D., Setoji, C., Shadel, W. (2012). Measuring exposure to pro-tobacoo marketing and media: A field study using ecolocial momentary assessment. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 14, 398-406.
- Shadel, W. G., Martino, S., Setodji, C., Haviland, A., Primack, B., Scharf, D. (2012). Motives for smoking in movies affect future smoking intentions in middle school students: An experimental investigation. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 123, 66-71.
- Yu, H., Scharf, D., Engberg, J., & Schultz, D. (2012). The effects of Arkansas Master Settlement spending on disparities in smoking. American Journal of Public Health, 102, 732-738.
- Weinick, R. M., Beckjord, E. B., Farmer, C. M., Martin, L. T., Gillen, E. M., Acosta, J., … Scharf, D. M. (2012). Programs addressing psychological health and traumatic brain injury among U.S. military servicemembers and their families. Rand Health Quarterly, 1(4), 8.
- Shadel, W. G., Martino, S. C., Setodji, C., Cervone, D., Witkiewitz, K., Beckjord, E., Scharf, D., & Shih, R. (2011). Lapse-induced increases in craving predict relapse in adult smokers: an experimental investigation. Health Psychology, 30, 588-596.
- Scharf, D., Fabian, T., Fitcher-DeSando, C., & Douaihy, A. (2011). Nicotine replacement prescribing trends in a large psychiatric hospital, before and after implementation of a hospital-wide smoking ban. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 13, 466-473.
- Chandra, S., Scharf, D., & Shiffman, S. (2011). Within-day temporal patterns of smoking, withdrawal symptoms, and craving. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 117, 118-125.
- Dunbar, M., Scharf, D., Shiffman, S., & Kirchner, T. (2010). Are some cigarettes craved more than others? Analysis of situational effects on craving. Nicotine and Tobacco Research. 12, 226-234.
- Shiffman, S., Kirchner, T.R., Ferguson, S.G., & Scharf, D. (2009). Patterns of intermittent smoking: An analysis using Ecological Momentary Assessment. Addictive Behaviors, 34, 514-519.
- Kolko, D., Scharf, D., Herschell, A., et al. (2008). National survey of juvenile firesetter intervention programs: The role of a state-wide coalition. American Journal of Forensic Psychology, 26, 41-66.
- Scharf, D., Dunbar, M., & Shiffman, S. (2008). Smoking during the night: Prevalence and smoker characteristics. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 10, 167-78.
- Chandra, S., Shiffman, S., Scharf, D., Dang, Q., & Shadel, W. (2007). Daily smoking patterns, their determinants, and implications for quitting. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 15, 67-80.
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- Kolko, D., Herschell, A., & Scharf, D. (2006). Education and treatment for children who set fires. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 14, 227-239.
- Campbell, T., Lavoie, K., Bacon, S., Scharf, D., Aboussafy, D., & Ditto, B. (2006). Asthma self-efficacy, high frequency heat rate variability, and airflow obstruction during emotional stress in daily life. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 62, 109-114.
- Scharf, D., & Shiffman, S. (2004). Are there gender differences in smoking cessation, with and without Bupropion? Pooled- and meta-analyses of clinical trials of Bupropion SR. Addiction, 99, 1462-1469.